result count: 10

SC_Q426100_00You don't have any [242352|Kalon Potion], so you can't treat the [122026|Unconscious Warrior]!
SC_Q426100_01Hey! What happened just now?
SC_Q426100_02Cough...What is this smell? It smells like Master [122025|Panilor]!
SC_Q426100_03Au... my head is exploding! How long have I been passed out?
SC_Q426100_04The strength of that half-dragon is beyong imagination.
Sys426100_nameExtreme Conditions, Extreme Responses
Sys426100_szquest_accept_detail(You insist on giving [122025|Panilor] and the other [<S>122026|Unconscious Warriors] some medical treatment first.) \n\nSpecial Envoy, you're driving me crazy! \n\nWell, I'm not sure whether these potions will actually be useful when used on the others, but take them. Maybe you can help the other warriors.'s working! So it will be able to help the others as well! \n\nBut still...<CY>Jill</CY> has probably managed to escape by now...
Sys426100_szquest_descUse the [<S>242352|Kalon Potions] on the [<S>122026|Unconscious Warriors] to wake them from their unconsciousness.
Sys426100_szquest_uncomplete_detailI think, there are more of them needing some help. Have you been looking for them everywhere?