result count: 4

Sys426101_nameA Glimpse of Hope
Sys426101_szquest_accept_detailI still haven't found an answer to the question why <CY>Jill</CY> came here. But I know she was wielding a weapon that made each and everyone of become unconscious. \n\nBefore I fell unconscious, just like the others did, I overheard her mention the <CY>[ZONE_ALTAR_OF_SOULS|Altar of Souls]</CY>. Isn't that one of the places we were supposed to pass through? \n\nSpecial Envoy...I think nobody is in critical condition anymore. Your presence here is no longer required. You have to deliver a warning to the local commander there!
Sys426101_szquest_complete_detailAh, it seems we're complete now. And we're all looking forward to our little chat with <CY>Jill</CY>, aren't we?
Sys426101_szquest_desc[122024|Jill Ayekin] might be on her way to <CY>[ZONE_ALTAR_OF_SOULS|Altar of Souls]</CY> now. You have to hurry and hold her back!