result count: 5

Sys426105_nameThe Gubod's Straw
Sys426105_szquest_accept_detailI will feel much better after I have heard what the fortune teller has to tell us. \n\n[115892|Jill] has threatened to kill the Frost Dragon. But the death of a True Dragon will result in dramatic changes everywhere in our world. We need to stop [115892|Jill] or the Frost Dragon...Apart from that, I still have something to settle with Jill. \n\nLet's get this thing on the way. The first thing this woman needs is the straw the shaman of [ZONE_GUBODO_VILLAGE|Gubod Village] uses in his rituals. The Gubod have become friends of the Alliance, so it shouldn't be difficult to ask for their blessing. If you can get some [<S>122043|Rice Bales] that would be excellent.
Sys426105_szquest_complete_detailDid you get it? Ah, thank you! I'm fine by the way. The situation right now is much better than my nightmares. At the moment finding Jill and the Frost Dragon is all that matters. \n\nI've asked the shamans for their blessing and to help us with some purifying rituals. But now I need your help with something else.
Sys426105_szquest_descHelp [122042|Morrok Wallinder] to prepare everything the fortune teller needs for the divination. Gather [<S>122043|Rice Bales] near the [ZONE_PROSEN_BEAST_GROUNDS|Lair of the Ferosynn Drakes].
Sys426105_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou have to get the [<S>122043|Rice Bales] we'll be needing. The shamans and me will take care of everything else.