result count: 5

Sys426106_nameEarth and Bones
Sys426106_szquest_accept_detailThe [SC_Z25_QOO|Kogo] use [122044|Wordy Earth] which is also known as "earth of inspiration" for their divinations. The woman has asked me for some. I've already talked to the shamans of [ZONE_GUBODO_VILLAGE|Gubod Village] about where to find it. \n\nThe life of the [SC_Z25_QOO|Kogo] in [ZONE_SHAZT_VILLAGE|Hyern Village] is closely related to the volcano. Their shamans use the earth of inspiration for their rituals. To find the soil we need to travel towards the volcano. Where the ground is molten the [122044|Wordy Earth] can be found. \n\nCome to [ZONE_PROSEN_BEAST_GROUNDS|Lair of the Ferosynn Drakes] as soon as you have found the [122044|Wordy Earth]. We'll be meeting the woman at the rock near the river there.
Sys426106_szquest_complete_detailHave you ever thought about taking command of your fate by yourself? At least that would save you the trouble of looking for all kinds of things needed for the divination. \n\nOn the other hand, what would I be doing then? So that's not an option either, hehe.
Sys426106_szquest_descAfter getting [122044|Wordy Earth] from the lava near [ZONE_SHAZT_VILLAGE|Hyern Village] travel to [ZONE_PROSEN_BEAST_GROUNDS|Lair of the Ferosynn Drakes] to find [122047|Sayafiz].
Sys426106_szquest_uncomplete_detailI've been expecting you. Have you found everything I need?