result count: 5

Sys426108_nameA Dragon's Prophecy
Sys426108_szquest_accept_detailHow could I let her do that? How could I be so careless and walk into that trap? \n\nAccording to the legends [121200|Kadmos (Dragon)], the Frost Dragon, had a child that was murdered by the first king of Humans, causing the Frost Dragon to grief for one thousand years. But as we know now, that's not what really happened. If [121200|Kadmos (Dragon)] had known, he would have never forgiven [119864|Maderoth]. But wait...[119864|Maderoth] surely must know about this as well. So it was him who told [115892|Jill] about this. I think Jill's plan of killing the Frost Dragon in fact was Maderoth's idea. \n\nThe Frost Dragon is the last True Dragon of the element ice. Nobody can imagine what his death will mean for the world. I need to tell the other True Dragons about this. I hope they will help me to stop the Frost Dragon [121200|Kadmos (Dragon)]. Please help to deliver this important message. [115892|Jill] must be found.
Sys426108_szquest_complete_detailDid [115892|Jill] say she wanted to kill the Frost Dragon? I don't meddle in the affairs of dragons. But if [115892|Jill] is serious about what she is planning to do, we can't afford to sit back and wait.
Sys426108_szquest_descLet [119806|Panilor] in [ZONE_SHAZT_VILLAGE|Hyern Village] know that [121557|Jill Ayekin] has to be stopped.
Sys426108_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe trouble [115892|Jill] is creating is getting worse and worse...