result count: 5

Sys426109_nameA Change of Mind
Sys426109_szquest_accept_detailI have to tell you something! <CY>Jill</CY> actually is here in this village right now. \n\nShe was caught trying to steal a Holy Device of the <CY>[SC_Z25_QOO|Kogo]</CY>. The device has vanished without a trace, <CY>Jill</CY>, however, has been taken into custody. \n\nI think you should try to talk to her. Maybe you're the only one who is able to help her.
Sys426109_szquest_complete_detail([122028|Jill Ayekin] thinks for a while...) \n\nWould you rather die than leave this place? Well, I bet you came here to ask me where the [242358|Flow Master's Holy Device] is kept now? \n\nIt's true, I've taken it! But I don't have it anymore. It's kept somewhere safe now...
Sys426109_szquest_descGo to the place where [122028|Jill Ayekin] is locked down and talk to her.
Sys426109_szquest_uncomplete_detail(It seems [122028|Jill Ayekin] doesn't want to say anything else at the moment.)