result count: 11

SC_426117_01Jill, stop immediately!
SC_426117_02Things have already gone this far, [$playername]. I have no way to retreat now.
SC_426117_03If you'll be able to gain the Alliance's trust back, everybody will forgive you.
SC_426117_04Jill's distraction eases the suppressive power.
SC_426117_05Farentel breaks free of control and attacks Jill.
SC_426117_06Panilor: Be careful!
Sys426117_nameThe Price to Pay
Sys426117_szquest_accept_detailSpecial Envoy! This is our last chance. If we can't stop Jill now, the situation will be out of control. \n\nYou have to take care of Jill first. We can't do anything about Maderoth's minions at the moment. Too many of them are coming at us, and their numbers are rising steadily. \n\nPlease, you have to do something about Jill...!
Sys426117_szquest_complete_detailHow is this possible! That's not what I wanted to do!
Sys426117_szquest_descStop Jill.
Sys426117_szquest_uncomplete_detail[$playername], you'd better step back for a moment. It's way too dangerous here.