result count: 5

Sys426119_szquest_accept_detailEspero que podáis entenderlo... Nunca quise que tuviera lugar una tragedia como esta...\n\nYa no intentaré hacer nada con la estatua de magma... ¿Quién hubiera pensado que mi imprudencia resultaría en algo así? \n\nAquí está el [242358|Dispositivo sagrado de la Maestra del Flujo]. Entregádselo a [121861|Slander] y decidle que lo siento.I hope you'll be able to understand...a tragedy like this is not what I wanted to happen...\n\nI won't be trying to do anything with the Magma Statue anymore...who'd have thought my recklessness would lead to a result like this.\n\nThis is the [242358|Flow Master's Holy Device]. Please let [121861|Slander] have it, and please tell her that I'm sorry.
Sys426119_szquest_complete_detail¿La estatua de magma ha matado al emisario de los Kalon? Es una tragedia... Aunque me pregunto si esto podría suponer alguna oportunidad para nosotros...The Magma Statue has killed the emissary of the Kalon? That's a tragedy...though I wonder if this could create any opportunity for us...\n\nAs one of our old sayings goes: "Every new life starts with a death." We will see whether this woman will be able to come to see the truth now.
Sys426119_szquest_descDevolvedle el [242358|Dispositivo sagrado de la Maestra del Flujo] a [121861|Slander].Return the [242358|Flow Master's Holy Device] to [121861|Slander].
Sys426119_szquest_uncomplete_detailTenemos que recuperar el [242358|Dispositivo sagrado de la Maestra del Flujo]. Si alguien capturase la estatua de magma, el continente entero correría peligro.We have to get back the [242358|Flow Master's Holy Device]. If the Magma Statue is captured, everyone on the whole continent will be in danger.