result count: 20
keystring | eneu |
SC_Z25Q426125_1 | [$MUTE][122064|Kadmos]: Ma-de-roth! |
SC_Z25Q426125_10 | [$MUTE][122062|Maderoth]: Witness the great power of the King of the Fires! Let the world know and fear him! Die! |
SC_Z25Q426125_11 | [$MUTE]The King of the Fires is appearing. His fiery breath is sweeping across the place... |
SC_Z25Q426125_12 | [122062|Maderoth]! No! |
SC_Z25Q426125_13 | [$MUTE]You're being engulfed by blazing flames... |
SC_Z25Q426125_2 | [$MUTE][122064|Kadmos]: Finally you appear, coward! |
SC_Z25Q426125_3 | [$MUTE][122062|Maderoth]: What a big tone! Is it me looking for you, or you looking for me now? |
SC_Z25Q426125_4 | [$MUTE]Enough talk! Today, I'm going to get my revenge for my killed son! |
SC_Z25Q426125_5 | [122064|Kadmos], don't forget about your mission! We need your strength to eliminate the King of the Fires. Don't let your thirst for revenge blind you! |
SC_Z25Q426125_6 | [$MUTE][122064|Kadmos]: ... |
SC_Z25Q426125_7 | Get out of here quickly! |
SC_Z25Q426125_8 | [$MUTE][122064|Kadmos]: Enough talk! Today, I'm going to avenge my son! |
SC_Z25Q426125_9 | [$MUTE][122062|Maderoth]: Did you think you could leave here today? |
SC_Z25Q426125_AN_1 | We have to stop [122064|Kadmos]...let me to talk to him first. |
SC_Z25Q426125_AN_2 | Wait, I am thinking about what to say later. |
Sys426125_name | King of the Fire |
Sys426125_szquest_accept_detail | We need to tell [122064|Kadmos] about the words of the Light Dragon. Maybe he will remember what he was supposed to do. But currently we lack the power to do anything. \n\nI'm terrified...the power of the elements...flames's terrible...\n\n(It's the first time you see Morrok showing a sign of weakness.) |
Sys426125_szquest_complete_detail | [$PLAYERNAME], who is to tell the difference of right and wrong? \n\nI didn't mean to harm anyone. I was trying to protect the people. But somebody has been stealing from me. And now people who were close to me have been harmed because of me... |
Sys426125_szquest_desc | Stop [122064|Kadmos], the Frost Dragon, together with [122056|Morrok Wallinder]. |
Sys426125_szquest_uncomplete_detail | There's yet another unexpected turn of events... |