result count: 5

Sys426157_nameElemental de Tierra incontrolableUncontrollable Earth Elemental
Sys426157_szquest_accept_detailUf... Uf...\n\n([122165|Kashda] recupera el aliento y se limpia el sudor de la cara. Luego os mira.)\n\nEs dificilísimo tratar con algo tan incontrolable, aunque cuando llegamos, el Elemental de Tierra no estaba tan fuera de sí... [122167|Justynn] protege el Trono de la Tierra y dice que la causa de todo esto es una chica... Podría ser una de las subordinadas de [122058|Maderoth]. Si no, no sé quién podría ir en contra de un trono elemental. \n\nUf, creo que ya he descansado bastante. Comandante, si queréis echar una mano, podéis haceros cargo de una sección dentro.Whew... Whew...\n\n([122165|Kashda] catches her breath and wipes the sweat from her face. Then she looks at you.)\n\nThere is nothing harder to deal with then something so out of control, but when we just arrived here, the Earth Elemental wasn't as out of control as it is now... [122167|Justynn] serves as protector of the Throne of the Earth and says that all this was caused by a girl... She might be one of the underlings of [122058|Maderoth]. Besides that, I don't know who would oppose an elemental throne. \n\nWhew, I've rested enough I think. Commander, if you want to help, you can take care of a section inside.
Sys426157_szquest_complete_detailGracias por vuestra ayuda. Nos habéis facilitado bastante la labor.Thanks for your help. It's made our job a lot easier.
Sys426157_szquest_descEliminad 10 [<S>107695|Elementales de tierra descontrolados].Help take out 10 [<S>107695|Uncontrolled Earth Elementals]
Sys426157_szquest_uncomplete_detailSi el mismísimo Gran Cazador no os hubiera recomendado, ni tan siquiera me molestaría en dirigiros la palabra. Si os soy sincero, los soldados de la Alianza actúan con bastante egoísmo. ¡No saben lo que es el respeto!If you hadn't been personally recommended by the Great Hunter, I wouldn't even bother speaking with you. You see, I've found the Alliance soldiers to be extremely selfish recently. They have no notion of respect!