result count: 5

Sys426194_nameI don't want to sleep...
Sys426194_szquest_accept_detailBL...BL...I know you. GL mentioned that [$playername] is a friend. \n\n[$playername] is a friend. Things are very bad now. There isn't enough for us to eat and we want to sleep. \n\n(Patch-E BL yawns and stretches.)\n\nBL...BL...[$playername] is a friend. We want to eat more! Hurry, if we sleep we won't wake up! \n\n(You look at [122227|Patch-E BL] with suspicion. Can Guardians eat? Or...does he mean that he needs an energy recharge?)\n\n[122185|Nate Manrold] once said that if you had more problems you seek out the...Guardian Analysis Expert? What is her name?
Sys426194_szquest_complete_detailMaster Knight, I've already heard about your discovery from [122185|Nate Manrold], so I used this time to find a way to recharge the Patch-E's. Last time was just a stopgap. There is only a limited amount of energy. The process is also very time-consuming and uneconomical\n\nWe infiltrated the Production Plant and obtained some information from the researchers. It contains information about energy technology. As long as we can find the proper composition, this problem will be solved once and for all. \n\nDo you want to give it a try? \n\n(The researcher shows you the report.)
Sys426194_szquest_descThe Patch-E's don't have enough energy. They will go to sleep very soon. It's time for the Ailic's researchers to make a move.
Sys426194_szquest_uncomplete_detailBL...BL...I don't want to sleep, don't want to sleep...\n\nZZZZZZZZ...\n\n(Oh no, it seems [122227|Patch-E BL] has fallen asleep?)