result count: 14
keystring | eneu |
SC_Z32Q426201_1 | You're that hero from a faraway land, aren't you? Can I discuss something with you? |
SC_Z32Q426201_2 | I just overheard what you were talking to Miss Westfarn about. You're from Candara, right? |
SC_Z32Q426201_3 | So it's true! The merchants tell stories of how the various lands there are constantly fighting one another. They say they all used to end up recruiting soldiers at the same time.\n\nPlease, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to insinuate anything about you or your country. I'm just curious to know whether the tensions have dissipated since then and the lands are at peace once more. At least, that's what the merchants claim. |
SC_Z32Q426201_4 | I shouldn't really be telling a stranger this, but there are rumors going around that [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Brinewind Castle] is on the verge of falling. It's getting much harder to keep the pirates and [SC_Z32_SEAFOOD|Tiktaaliks] contained. Is that because we're becoming weaker? Or are they getting stronger? Or both? Either way, the imperial army and the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment] have become virtually useless.\n\nIf this is the end of the kingdom, then people will have no other option than to flee and take refuge abroad. I'm not going to defect to the pirates, nor the [SC_Z32_SEAFOOD|Tiktaaliks]. I just want to make sure I'm prepared for when the crunch comes. There's no sense fleeing to a land that is in a constant state of war, when there are plenty of peaceful lands to find asylum in. |
SC_Z32Q426201_5 | A voice calls out from the distance: Rather than spreading fear and panic, you should invest your energies better in the defense of the realm. |
SC_Z32Q426201_6 | Damn! We'll talk again later! |
SC_Z32Q426201_AN_1 | Indeed. |
SC_Z32Q426201_AN_2 | You mean to say...? |
SC_Z32Q426201_AN_3 | So it's like that, is it... |
Sys426201_name | Rumors of a Failed State |
Sys426201_szquest_accept_detail | I know you already know a fair bit about the enemy, but let me briefly sketch out the general situation.\n\n[ZONE_BAORTE_FARM|Bartas Farm] supplies [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Brinewind Castle] and the surrounding manor houses with foodstuffs. The farm isn't far from the [SC_Z32_SEAFOOD|Tiktaaliks'] zone, but the people from [ZONE_SCOUT_RIDGE|Chalk Canyon Outpost] guarantee our safety here. At least, that used to be the case. Until the [SC_Z32_SEAFOOD|Tiktaaliks] attacked the outpost, that is. Within a single night, the outpost lay in ash and ruin, the place strewn with the bodies of guards and villagers...\n\nEver since that night, [ZONE_BAORTE_FARM|Bartas Farm] has been directly on the front line, even though we aren't in the least equipped to defend ourselves. The [ZONE_SCOUT_RIDGE|Chalk Canyon Outpost] is far better equipped for both defensive and offensive operations.\n\nIf we're to defeat these [SC_Z32_SEAFOOD|Tiktaaliks], we'll have to make a breakthrough somewhere. Which is why you're here.\n\nAll this talk is making me thirsty. Where the heck has [123567|Bodwin] from the <CY>[SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment]</CY> got to? Ideally he'd be the one you should be discussing and coordinating with.\n\nMeh, how about a nice cup of silver cinnamon tea? Or would you rather take a look around first? Maybe you'll find something on our farm which doesn't grow where you come from. That'd be something, wouldn't it? |
Sys426201_szquest_complete_detail | There he is at last! Now you'll be able to discuss the details of the military preparations. |
Sys426201_szquest_desc | Have a look around until [123567|Bodwin Daniels] arrives. |
Sys426201_szquest_uncomplete_detail | I can't concentrate properly without a decent cup of silver cinnamon tea. If you want something, you're going to wait until I've had my cuppa. |