result count: 5

Sys426203_nameThe Ambush
Sys426203_szquest_accept_detailYou've just missed [123572|Bodwin Daniels]. I think he's on his way to the [123571|Bartas Farm Bulletin Board] to post up a note informing people about the arrival of outside help. Presumably he wants to stymie the rumors circulating around [ZONE_BAORTE_FARM|Bartas Farm]. Recently the peasants have been talking of the fall of [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Brinewind Castle]. If we don't stamp out these rumors, the citizens will lose faith in their land and the situation will only become more precarious.
Sys426203_szquest_complete_detailYou're just in time. [123567|Bodwin Daniels] has returned. But what's the matter? You can see the struggle still written in your face. It surely can't have been the [SC_Z32_SEAFOOD|Tiktaaliks]... no, that would be ridiculous. They can't have pushed forward as far as [ZONE_BAORTE_FARM|Bartas Farm].
Sys426203_szquest_descGo to the [123571|Bartas Farm Bulletin Board] and meet [123572|Bodwin Daniels].
Sys426203_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you don't want to go to him straight away, why don't you drink a cup of tea with me? Around here we rarely get a chance to chat to people from the other continent. The merchants are of course well traveled, but they're only interested in turning a profit. Talking to them is monotonous.