result count: 11

SC_426208_1_0Get edible fresh eggs.
SC_426208_1_1So many all at once. You know, they are easy to break.
SC_426208_1_2Handle them with care, don't let them fall.
SC_426208_2_1That was too long. The eggs are overcooked.
SC_426208_2_2You've put them down too forcefully. The eggs are broken now.
SC_426208_2_3You were successful. You got perfectly soft-boiled eggs.
Sys426208_nameLegendary Food
Sys426208_szquest_accept_detailWhat is good food? Good food is life! I picked up a recipe that was passed down through [SC_BALANZASAR|Balanzasar] from the research group. One of the dishes that people ate back then is this dish "Hot Spring Eggs." \n\nI did my best to use local ingredients to make it. I believe I can recreate the amazing feeling when people back then ate the "Hot Spring Eggs."\n\nWhat? You ask me where are the eggs in "Hot Spring Eggs?" I've prepared the soup, I have to ask you to get the Eggs for me. \n\n([122342|Patch] pats your shoulder.)\n\nI already chose the most appropriate sized eggs from the batch you brought back. Please go to the hot spring and boil them for me. This is the only way to make real "Hot Spring Eggs."\n\nWhat? You're asking me where the "Hot Spring" is? Please! Isn't the entire Boiling Lake one big hot spring?! Hahaha!
Sys426208_szquest_complete_detail([122342|Patch] cracks a half-cooked egg and tops it with a spoonful of Spider Scorpion Mushroom soup. Oh my. If you hadn't experienced the difficulty in obtaining these ingredients, or didn't see the disgusting way to prepare the dish, perhaps you would think that the half-cooked Hot Spring Egg looks and smells quite tempting.)\n\nFinished! The Alliance army now has a meal to eat! \n\n([122342|Patch] taps the pot with satisfaction.)
Sys426208_szquest_descHelp Chef [122342|Patch] make the some unknown dish of legend.
Sys426208_szquest_uncomplete_detailI set up some nets nearby the hot springs because I was planning on boiling the eggs there. Go to the lake and you'll see them.