result count: 5

Sys426215_nameWounded Nynke
Sys426215_szquest_accept_detailHey, dragon envoy, you're just in time. I need your help...\n\nI just brought in some tools to conduct a sealing ceremony. I just didn't expect the fairy guardians to go crazy and attack me when I left. They didn't hurt me too bad, but I can't just leave these wounds alone. \n\nCan you help me find a plant called [242664|Taurus Grass] nearby here? I need that herb to help my wounds heal quickly.
Sys426215_szquest_complete_detailLooking at your face...\n\nI'm not some delicate thing, but please don't think that the true dragons can't be hurt as well...\n\n([122378|Nynke] rubs the herbs on her wounds.)
Sys426215_szquest_descHelp [122378|Nynke] collect the [<S>242664|Taurus Grass] which can be used to treat wounds.
Sys426215_szquest_uncomplete_detailDon't think that the true dragons can't be hurt...