result count: 6

SC_426216_RETAKECan you help me once more to cast a spell?
Sys426216_nameCrazy Fairies
Sys426216_szquest_accept_detail([122378|Nynke] seems to be thinking about something...)\n\nEven though my injuries are not too serious, I am worried. Why would the guardians of this sacred dragon site suddenly go crazy and attack me? Common sense says that they would be able to tell if their target was a true dragon or not. \n\nBut this time they just went crazy and attacked me...\n\nDragon envoy, can you please go to the Tower of Balance and look into this matter for me? I can't really move right now, but I have a way that I can make sure that you're safe! However, you first need to help me get some [<S>242665|Hippogriff Saliva] and the [<S>242666|Bubble Grass] growing near the lake.
Sys426216_szquest_complete_detailAfter taking the [242666|Bubble Grass] and [242665|Hippogriff Saliva], [122378|Nynke] starts speaking plausibly. \n\n([122378|Nynke] casts a spell on you.)\n\nYou can see that your body is covered in a bubble that is blue like water.
Sys426216_szquest_descIn order to make sure that you can conduct your investigations safely, [122378|Nynke] hopes you can collect 5 [<S>242665|Hippogriff Saliva] and 5 [<S>242666|Bubble Grass] for her.
Sys426216_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou can find the [<S>242665|Hippogriff Saliva] in their nests. Some of the [<S>242666|Bubble Grass] have already been boiled because of the high temperatures in the water. However, they can still be used.