result count: 5

Sys426219_nameWonder Medicine
Sys426219_szquest_accept_detailCommander, I am [122380|Colin Hertz], a medical officer. This officer suddenly collapsed with chest pains. I have diagnosed a possible embolism. I must treat him immediately, but I am lacking the key ingredient, "scorpion venom!"\n\nI recall a kind of spider scorpion which resides on the shores of the Boiling Water! Though I must first verify that the effects will be the same, I must ask you to bring a few specimens to me. I fear that all I can do is try my best. I shall make every effort, though I have no medicines or instruments with me. Whether he will live or die depends entirely on his will.
Sys426219_szquest_complete_detailAfter [122380|Colin Hertz] received the scorpions, he used an unusual method to extract their venom and treat [122381|Bleen Godden]. \n\nAfter receiving the treatment, the agony on Bleen's face finally gave way to calm.
Sys426219_szquest_descRetrieve the [242668|Boiling Water Scorpion Poison] for [122380|Colin Hertz].
Sys426219_szquest_uncomplete_detailHurry! He can't hang on much longer!\n\n([122380|Colin Hertz] busies himself with a patient.)