result count: 5

Sys426226_nameAn Escort's Dilemma
Sys426226_szquest_accept_detailWe had wanted to deliver supplies to [ZONE_OLD_AWAYTAR|Old Awytar], who would have thought we'd have been ambushed by [<S>107716|Zurhidon Aggressors]. We fled for our lives, and finally escaped by hurling our weapons at our foes.\n\nWe kept out lives, but lost all our luggage on the road. If the commander can return the [122383|Scattered Luggage] to the garrison at [ZONE_OLD_AWAYTAR|Old Awytar], the soldiers will be in your debt.\n\nCommander, even forgetting that we were unarmed, our small company's prowess was worthy of the vanguard.
Sys426226_szquest_complete_detailThank you, commander.\n\nAt least we can distribute these among the soldiers of [ZONE_OLD_AWAYTAR|Old Awytar]...\n\nAs for the remainder...some luggage remains unrecovered. We have already steeled ourselves for hardship. Unless the commander would continue to assist us in recovering some more?
Sys426226_szquest_descRetrieve the [242669|Scattered Luggage].
Sys426226_szquest_uncomplete_detailCommander, even forgetting that we were unarmed, our small company's prowess was worthy of the vanguard.