result count: 5

Sys426269_nameJoining the Fight
Sys426269_szquest_accept_detailJill made her choice. It was not easy. And yet all of us share her resolve in advance or retreat. Now, every man's aim is the same. The time is ripe, and we shall launch our combined might against [ZONE_BELLATIA_FORTS|Belathis Fortress], and end this struggle.\n\n[$playername], you have always been a faithful knight. I hope you will be with us until the end in this, our darkest hour. If you are ready, let us assemble at the [ZONE_BELLATIA_FORTS|Belathis Fortress], and charge [SC_MSRN_01|Maderoth] together!
Sys426269_szquest_complete_detailIt is over!
Sys426269_szquest_descThe host gathered at the [ZONE_BELLATIA_FORTS|Belathis Fortress]. The full might of the Alliance penetrated into the deepest reaches of the [ZONE_BELLATIA_FORTS|Belathis Fortress], and [SC_MSRN_01|Maderoth] was slain. Thus, the war was ended.
Sys426269_szquest_uncomplete_detail(Callaway Kalume smirks confidently)