result count: 6

SC_Q426273_01The preparations for combat are finished!
Sys426273_nameA Test of Wisdom
Sys426273_szquest_accept_detailSimple-minded you really think that you can find this unobtainable treasure?\n\nIf you think your wisdom can compare to that of the great and true god, then prove to me your skills!\n\n<CY>(After you have taken on this quest, you must talk to the Staff Steelguard. Only then will you be able to take on the challenge!)</CY>
Sys426273_szquest_complete_detailI congratulate you! You have completed the [426273|Test of Wisdom]!\n\nAnd...have you already completed the other tests?
Sys426273_szquest_descYou are ready for combat. Challenge and defeat the [107955|Staff Steelguard]! need to move quicker than that!\n\nI can't promise you that the other pirates will believe me.