result count: 10
keystring | es | eneu |
SC_Q426280_1 | Ah... así está bien... |'s fine like this... |
SC_Q426280_2 | Profesor... No es un buen momento para tomar el té. Estoy aquí para... | My teacher...It's really not a good time for tea. What I am here for is... |
SC_Q426280_3 | Eh... Me siento mareado después de beber esto... | Eh...why do I feel dizzy after drinking this... |
SC_Q426280_4 | Tengo que volver al campamento primero. Profesor, hablemos después... | I have to go back to the camp first. Teacher, talk later... |
SC_Q426280_5 | [122701|Callaway Kalume] ha bebido té que contenía alguna droga. | [122701|Callaway Kalume] drank the tea with drug in it. |
Sys426280_name | La estrategia del General | The General's Strategy |
Sys426280_szquest_accept_detail | Este chico se exige demasiado.\n\nEn estos momentos, lo peor que podemos hacer es ponernos nerviosos; eso es justo lo que quiere el enemigo. Dicho esto, me sorprende que Callaway no haya visto una estrategia tan sencilla. Como todo ocurre tan deprisa, tengo que asignárselo a él para que haga lo que pueda por su cuenta. \n\nPor eso aparezco ahora. Esta es una oportunidad perfecta para poner orden en nuestros pensamientos, así que preparad el té y poneos cómodos; es hora de que charlemos. \n\nHablando de té, ¡tenemos que encontrar a esos pequeños Enanos profesionales! Id a [ZONE_GUBODO_VILLAGE|Gubod] y pedidle a [122693|Boleeda] un poco de esas plantas para domar dragones. | This kid puts too much pressure on himself.\n\nRight now, the worst thing we can do is get anxious - that's exactly what the enemy wants. That being said, I would be surprised if Callaway didn't see right through such an easy strategy. With everything happening so quickly, I have to hand it to him for making it as far as he has on his own. \n\nThat's why I've appeared now. This is a good opportunity for us to gather our thoughts, so put the tea on the pot and everyone get comfortable - its time we had ourselves a chat. \n\nSpeaking of tea, we've got to find those professional little dwarves! Go to [ZONE_GUBODO_VILLAGE|Gubod Village] and ask [122693|Boleeda] for some of those dragon taming plants. |
Sys426280_szquest_complete_detail | ¡Llegáis justo a tiempo!\n\nCuando empapé el té..., añadí un poco de esto. Así funciona...\n\nNo os preocupéis, el Rey necesita dormir. Cuando despierte, estará mucho más lúcido. | You've come back just in time!\n\nOnce I steeped the tea...I added a little bit of this stuff. Well, that's how it goes...\n\nDon't worry, the king needs his sleep. When he wakes up, he'll be much more clear-headed. |
Sys426280_szquest_desc | [SC_KARGATH_01|Kargath] dice que quiere tomar té con [122696|Callaway Kalume] y relajarse un poco primero. Volved a [ZONE_GUBODO_VILLAGE|Gubod] y conseguid un poco de [242784|Té tranquilizador]. | [SC_KARGATH_01|Kargath] says he wants to have tea with [122696|Callaway Kalume] and relax a bit first. Head back to [ZONE_GUBODO_VILLAGE|Gubod Village] and procure some [242784|Tranquilization Tea]. |
Sys426280_szquest_uncomplete_detail | No seáis tan tacaño. ¡Sois un enviado especial, por los dioses! No vais a regatear por un poco de té, ¿verdad? | Don't be so stingy. You're a special envoy for pete's sake! You're not really going to haggle over a little bit of tea, are you? |