result count: 7

SC_Z26Q426306_01You caught a young bird.
SC_Z26Q426306_02Mission completed. Please report back to [116959|Wulah Heney].
Sys426306_nameA Fleeting Youth
Sys426306_szquest_accept_detailOh no, what will I do? What will I DO?\n\n(You try to placate [116959|Wulah Heney], asking her what it is that has made her so upset?)\n\nCommander, my youth has left me...\n\nYouth, youth was a Higa spirit bird I caught in the Sascilia Steppes. I found that combining the blood of this bird with human blood and my special potion could help revive fallen warriors. It seems that the blood is a kind of "fountain of youth." I was opening the cage to extract the blood, and, I don't know maybe the door is too big, they all flew out! \n\n(The Ailic's Researcher suddenly looks ahead.)\n\nThey're over there! Commander, the youth are circling ahead. Take this improvised <CS>Youthful Cage</CS> and bring me back at least one bird!\n\nCommander, be careful with those cages, they're very fragile. They can probably <CS>only hold out for 10 seconds</CS>. If it breaks, just come back and get another one from me.
Sys426306_szquest_complete_detailThank god...With my youth back, it's as if I'm ten years younger.
Sys426306_szquest_descCatch the circling [242685|Young Bird] within <CS>10 seconds</CS>.\n\n(<CS>If you take longer than 10 seconds to capture the [120268|Young Bird], you will need to abandon the quest and reaccept it.</CS>)
Sys426306_szquest_uncomplete_detailOh no! My youth is flying off!