result count: 7

SC_426311_0You smell the Hundred Flower Essence...
SC_426311_SPEAKEn...I don't feel anything...
SC_426311_STARTEDStrange...I'm dizzy.\n\n(The battle performance has started. If you are not participating in the current battle, please wait for a while.)
Sys426311_szquest_accept_detailThe energy radiating from this Magic Formation seems to be similar to [122680|Sayafiz's] elemental energy...\n\nWait a sec...Something's not right...[$playername], do you feel something strange?
Sys426311_szquest_complete_detailGood thing I busted it to get over here! I nearly flipped my lid watching you guys attack each other like that. I never thought you guys could contend with Morrok...
Sys426311_szquest_descDiscuss the current situation with [122651|Morrok Wallinder]\n\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_03|(Recommended group size: 3)]