result count: 5

Sys426331_nameThe Fearless Warrior
Sys426331_szquest_accept_detail([122165|Kashda] wipes sweat from his brow and gasps for air. He raises his head to have a look at you)\n\nThere's nothing harder to deal with than something that's totally lost control. If I could only find [122167|Justynn] and figure out how she did it...Perhaps she works under [122058|Maderoth]. I can't think of anyone else that would want to take down the throne.\n\nAll right, I've had my rest. Commander, if you want to help, you could continue with the portion inside a little.
Sys426331_szquest_complete_detailThanks for your help. It's made our job a lot easier.
Sys426331_szquest_descHelp take out 10 [<S>107695|Uncontrolled Earth Elementals]
Sys426331_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you hadn't been personally recommended by the Great Hunter, I wouldn't even bother speaking with you. You see, I've found the Alliance soldiers to be extremely selfish recently. They have no notion of respect!