result count: 5

Sys426350_nameA Slave's Request
Sys426350_szquest_accept_detailI don't think you really have a prayer of defeating the [SC_MSRN_01|Maderoth] troops. You'd be better served helping me take out those pesky [<S>107724|Patrolling Punishers]. Those [<S>107724|Patrolling Punishers] are always hanging around these parts. If they were to find one of us resting here, they'd mete out some severe punishment. Many of our people have already passed out from fatigue.\n\nIt's a big loss of face to ask for help from other races, but it beats dying of fatigue I guess.
Sys426350_szquest_complete_detailNow I can finally get some well-deserved rest...
Sys426350_szquest_descDestroy 10 [<S>107724|Patrolling Punishers] so [122326|Nuk] can take a break.
Sys426350_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf I don't get a rest soon I'm going to pass out...Ugh, sold out to [SC_MSRN_01|Maderoth]...If I get a chance to go back...