result count: 5

Sys426356_nameClean-up Can't Be Interrupted
Sys426356_szquest_accept_detailThe Guardians causing problems now are much bigger than the ones before. There are also more of them. When they get destroyed, their wreckage obstructs pathways and they're building up quicker and quicker. \n\nMaster Knight, if you still have time, please go and go and clear out the scattered wreckage for me.
Sys426356_szquest_complete_detailHaha, the battlefield looks much cleaner now! \n\nI'll call Master Knight again in the future!
Sys426356_szquest_descGuardian wreckage is piling up around the [ZONE_FIERCE_FANG_FRONT_LINES|Fierce Fang Front Line] and causing a lot of problems for the Fierce Fangs.
Sys426356_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe Giant Guardians really are problematic!