result count: 5

Sys426370_nameEliminating Barriers
Sys426370_szquest_accept_detailHello, Messenger. \n\nEven though many of our wounded have come around after treatment and can return to the battlefield, we are not as strong as before. \n\nIf time permits, please go help me get rid of the [<S>107713|Overloaded No. 89 Punishers] and [<S>107717|No. 89 Digger Punishers], so that we can carry out the next part of the plan.
Sys426370_szquest_complete_detailMessenger, thank you very much. I hope the Alliance army's strength can return to its former glory!
Sys426370_szquest_descGet rid of all the Guardians that are blocking the movements of the Alliance so they can continue with the next part of their plan.
Sys426370_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease go help me get rid of the [<S>107713|Overloaded No. 89 Punishers] and [<S>107717|No. 89 Digger Punishers], so that we can carry out the next part of the plan. It's all up to you!