result count: 5

Sys426384_nameThe Fortunate Fortune
Sys426384_szquest_accept_detailCommander! The [242622|Wild Callicarpa Bead] is the only way I can think of! \n\nThe [<S>242622|Wild Callicarpa Beads] that grow near this fort might just be our saving grace. We can use this wild medicinal herbs to make a substitute medicine. \n\nBut... We need to treat the wounded soldiers, make the medicine and collect the herbs. I'm not able to split up my body! \n\nCommander, you are experienced in battle. Can I ask you to take care of the [242622|Wild Callicarpa Bead] collection work?
Sys426384_szquest_complete_detailThat's correct! I can't believe you were able to look at the appearance of [242622|Wild Callicarpa Bead] and remember it so quickly, Commander. \n\nI'll take it from here! \n\nBut from the looks of the current state of the war, we will continue to need a substantial supply of medicine. Commander, I hope you can stay here and continue to help us.
Sys426384_szquest_descCollect the [<S>242622|Wild Callicarpa Beads] near [ZONE_OLD_AWAYTAR|Old Awytar] and help [122305|Macca Yolee] collect the materials for making medicine.
Sys426384_szquest_uncomplete_detailDidn't you notice? This... How is this possible? \n\nCommander... This involves the lives of the warriors!