result count: 5

Sys426385_nameDoing Nothing
Sys426385_szquest_accept_detailOk, enough talking. As long as the <CY>[SC_VOID_GATEWAY|Twisted Energy Point]</CY> stands there, the transport circle can't return to normal. \n\nHowever, I also know that these Alliance leaders are not going to accept this sad fact. \n\nWhat about this? Go to [122307|Connor Caltz] and take the recent [242623|Observation Report] for me, then you can see the great [ZONE_VOID_GATEWAY|Gate of the Void] with your own eyes.
Sys426385_szquest_complete_detail(It seems [122306|Chady Worr] has seen the contents of the [242623|Observation Report] before...)\n\nSigh... The same result! Commander, don't listen to [122307|Connor Caltz]. He's way to optimistic! \n\nThe energy held in the [ZONE_VOID_GATEWAY|Gate of the Void] is not just a peculiarity... It is unusually powerful. We've tried many different ways and we have not been able to find any weaknesses.\n\nPeople, it is time to listen to fate! Commander!
Sys426385_szquest_descHelp [122306|Chady Worr] and go to the [ZONE_VOID_GATEWAY|Gate of the Void] to get the recent [242623|Observation Report] from [122307|Connor Caltz].
Sys426385_szquest_uncomplete_detailAgh! Was [122307|Connor Caltz] killed... He owes me a lot of money...