result count: 4

Sys426429_nameOn the Rudder
Sys426429_szquest_accept_detailAs she said, the journey should lead to a place they call <CY>[SC_GDDR_00|Gerador]</CY>. Do you know it? \n\nAt any rate, it's supposed to be very dangerous there. Otherwise, <CY>Crown Prince Will</CY> wouldn't have hired so may men and ships. \n\nI think that the team is currently engrossed in preparations for departure. If you go to the port of Lechif now, you might arrive just as they're weighing anchor!
Sys426429_szquest_complete_detail(When <CY>Will</CY> realizes why you've come, he grows more serious.) \n\nSpecial Envoy, you've surely heard the pirate legend of <CY>"Kidd's Ordeal"</CY>, have you not? During the war I received a sort of <CY>"invitation"</CY> to Kidd's Ordeal. \n\nConsidering the dangerous times, I thought it best to keep the matter to myself. \n\nAfter the war I planned to contact <CY>Mr. Figg</CY> to delve more deeply into the issue, but I did not have the opportunity to meet <CY>Mr. Figg</CY> personally. Instead, I only received a message from <CY>Mr. Figg</CY> requesting my assistance. \n\nThe message that <CY>Mr. Figg</CY> sent me from <CY>[SC_GDDR_00|Gerador]</CY> was of course a real tragedy. Nevertheless, I received the answers that I had sought.
Sys426429_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_LATIFF_PORT|Lechif Harbor] and meet [122769|Will Kanches].