result count: 7

SC_Z27Q426445_01Honorable Mate, please help us!
SC_Z27Q426445_02Honorable Mate, is my brother still alive?
Sys426445_nameMysterious Spirit Herb
Sys426445_szquest_accept_detail(You explain to [122817|Traitor Diggly] and [122818|Chymin] that [122815|Scriptmaster Jann] sent you to search for the traitor. You tell them that you won't kill [122817|Traitor Diggly] - instead, you'll turn him over to the Scriptmaster.)\n\nThen you're [SC_PIRATE_ERIC|Ailic's Pirate's] first mate. Thank you for your mercy. I'm sure you understand that my brother did not intend to harm anyone. He did all this in order to save us. \n\nDon't worry. We will not attempt to flee. The injuries that my brother suffered here are far too grave for that. We will apologize to [122815|Scriptmaster Jann]. If [122815|he] still insists on vengeance afterwards, I, together with my brother, am prepared to face his punishment. \n\nI know that there must be [242962|Windmoon Grass] nearby. We could use it to stop the bleeding. Will you collect some [242962|Windmoon Grass] for my brother and tend his wounds with it?
Sys426445_szquest_complete_detail(You prepare a dressing for [122817|Traitor Diggly]'s wounds with the [242962|Windmoon Grass] you gathered...)\n\nOuch! Be careful!
Sys426445_szquest_descCollect 10 [<S>242962|Windmoon Grass] to treat the traitor's wounds.
Sys426445_szquest_uncomplete_detailI am so glad that I lived to know that my brother was freed. That was my dearest wish...