result count: 10

SC_Z27Q426446_01The Scriptmaster sent me with a letter for you.
SC_Z27Q426446_02(Will Kanches opens the Scriptmaster's letter and begins to read.)
SC_Z27Q426446_03Honorable Mate, that was careless of you. You forgot the [242963|Letter from the Script Master].
SC_Z27Q426446_04Luckily, you were able to help me get the letter.
SC_Z27Q426446_05([122891|Chymin] gives you the [242963|Letter from the Script Master].)\n\nYou'd better talk to your captain immediately.
Sys426446_nameContinuation of the Journey
Sys426446_szquest_accept_detailDiggly, are you all right? \n\nHonorable Mate, thank you for helping my brother. I've already told [122815|Scriptmaster Jann] the whole sorry tale and begged for his forgiveness. He says that he does not wish to kill us, but that we do need to be punished. And I as a Shotak Pirate readily accept that. And so I will accept his judgement together with Diggly. \n\n[122815|Scriptmaster Jann] also gave me a message for you. He wishes to inform you that your captain is expecting you in the [ZONE_NANTI_VILLAGE|Nanti Village].
Sys426446_szquest_complete_detail[$playername], [122815|Scriptmaster Jann] writes that he cannot be certain that [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Kidd's Sons] will actually show himself. He is, however, certain that we'll find answers if we continue our search and press on into the interior.
Sys426446_szquest_descTake [122815|Jann's] letter to the [ZONE_NANTI_VILLAGE|Nanti Village] and give it to [122816|Will Kanches].
Sys426446_szquest_uncomplete_detailScriptmaster Jann is truly an exceptional person among the Shotak Pirates. Can it really be the the case that he's in a position to make a rendezvous with [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Kidd's Sons]?