result count: 5
keystring | eneu |
Sys426455_name | Supply of Antidote |
Sys426455_szquest_accept_detail | Honorable Mate, the poison affecting [122882|Niwin] has thinned out somewhat and his condition has improved. But as long as the poison is in his body, we can't relax. Can you get some more [242978|Ire Bee Antidote]? \n\nIf more people are attacked by [<S>107892|Ire Bees], then we'll have supplies to treat the victims as well. |
Sys426455_szquest_complete_detail | Honorable Mate, you're a real hero. What am I saying - you're more than that! A messiah! |
Sys426455_szquest_desc | Bring me 10 units of [242978|Ire Bee Antidote] so that I can treat Niwin's poisoning. |
Sys426455_szquest_uncomplete_detail | What are you crying about? You might not survive this poisoning, but it's all your fault anyway! \n\n([122883|Angelika] is tending to [122882|Niwin's] swellings but continually reminds him of the ill effects of being too greedy.) |