result count: 6

SC_Z27Q426461_01"You can't believe everything that [122849|Nikola Barli] says, but this time, he's telling the truth. At the moment, we're so weak that we're an ideal target. \n\nFirst we need to get information about our surroundings. Then we have to amass enough strength to present ourselves as a worthy counterpart to the other parties on the island. Furthermore, we don't know how to get in contact with [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Kidd's Sons]. Maybe they'll find us themselves once we've made a name for ourselves on the island.\n\nIf we're not able to find the [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Kidd's Sons] and the treasure they've hidden, then we'll never find out what Sismond is planning.\n\nRight now, there's nothing else we can do but orientate ourselves on [122849|Nikola Barli]. Hopefully there will soon be an opportunity to be active ourselves!"
Sys426461_nameSearch the Thousand Cave Ridge
Sys426461_szquest_accept_detailBy the western waves! How time flies! I must hurry to the [ZONE_THOUSAND_HOLE_RIDGE|Valley of One Thousand Stone Eyes] to decode the clues from [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Kidd's Sons]. You're here to find the treasure hidden by [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Kidd's Sons], aren't you? I can imagine searching for clues together. Would you like to accompany me to [ZONE_THOUSAND_HOLE_RIDGE|Valley of One Thousand Stone Eyes]? It's not something I like to admit, but my original companions had a run in with the [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates]. Ah, the devil take those [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates]... \n\nIf you stay on the island, you'll realize that one doesn't often have a chance to uncover clues about the hidden treasure. But since I've recognized you as helpful friends, I'm prepared to share what I know. \n\nI'll be at [ZONE_THOUSAND_HOLE_RIDGE|Valley of One Thousand Stone Eyes], investigating the clues more thoroughly. If you'd like to accept my token of gratitude, meet me there!
Sys426461_szquest_complete_detailThere you are! Let me fill you in on the current situation.
Sys426461_szquest_descTalk to [122795|Will Kanches] about the answer to [122849|Nikola Barli's] offer.
Sys426461_szquest_uncomplete_detailI knew you'd come.