result count: 6
keystring | es | eneu |
SC_Z27Q426464_01 | Venid, tengo una idea. | Come, I have an idea. |
Sys426464_name | Unos estándares mínimos | Certain Standards |
Sys426464_szquest_accept_detail | ¡Ja! Típico de [122849|Nikola Barli]. Y mira que le tengo dicho que sus "astutos" planes son mucho menos inteligentes de lo que él cree. Ahora le han vuelto a pillar en falso. De verdad, es una vergüenza para los [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Piratas Shotak]. Aun así, vuestras exigencias son exageradas. No olvidemos que se trata sólo de un pobre diablo como [122849|Nikola Barli], así que no hay motivo para grandes alharacas.\n\nSi decido organizar un encuentro con nuestro capitán, antes debo estar convencido de que cumplís con unos estándares mínimos. Comprenderéis que no quiero ponerme en evidencia ante los míos. | Ha, that's typical for [122849|Nikola Barli]. I always told him that his "clever" plans were far less clever than he thought. And now he got himself caught. He's really a stain on the [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Shotak Pirates]. But your demands are excessive. We can't forget that it's [122849|Nikola Barli] who we're talking abut. There's no reason to celebrate. \n\nIf I'm to arrange a meeting with our chief, I must be certain that you hold to certain standards. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of my people.\n\nThat's why I suggest a little test of your abilities: restoring order to [ZONE_LAKE_NORKDO|Lake Noktus]. Franko Pirate raiders have been active there. Our hands, unfortunately, are tied, and we can't move openly against them. I know that expecting you to act against [108142|Ellenpain Kuloka] is asking a lot, but if you could eliminate his henchmen, it would be a good start. |
Sys426464_szquest_complete_detail | Lo habéis conseguido, y yo mantendré mi parte del trato. Vamos, seguidme al [ZONE_MUCKGALE_PORT_MALTA_CARA|Puerto de Muertormenta]. Allí nos encontraremos con el capitán. | You really did it. And I will keep my part of the bargain. Let's go. Please, follow me. We're going to the [ZONE_MUCKGALE_PORT_MALTA_CARA|Muckgale Port]. We'll meet with the captain there. |
Sys426464_szquest_desc | Acabad con 8 [<S>107904|Bandidos Dienteafilado] y 8 [<S>107976|Matones Dienteafilados furiosos]. | Defeat 8 [<S>107904|Sharptooth Bandits] and 8 [<S>107976|Furious Sharptooth Bashers]. |
Sys426464_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Lo que suceda a partir de ahora depende de vos. Si no lo conseguís, no os quedará más remedio que olvidar vuestra pendencia con [122849|Nikola Barli]. | It's up to you to determine how things go from here. If you fail, you won't have any option but to forget your animus against [122849|Nikola Barli]. |