result count: 5

Sys426469_nameDevious Little Rogues
Sys426469_szquest_accept_detailThe most devious little thieves in all of Muckgale are the salo weasels!\n\nDon't let their cute appearances deceive you. Beneath their smooth pelts beat hearts full of pure greed. That goes double for their leader. They're even greedier than those shark scoundrels. Gold, gems, anything that glitters - they steal the lot of it. Those weasels must have stolen my crystal and taken it to their leader.\n\nAlthough I doubt the matter is really that simple. It would be best if we went separately. You go to the salo weasel den and look around and I'll check out the port. Maybe I'll turn up something useful.\n\nOh, right - to reach the salo weasel den, head towards the mountains from the entrance to the harbor.
Sys426469_szquest_complete_detail(You deliver a thorough report to Lazzern.)\nOh...then the weasels have taken defensive measures to protect their treasures... \n\nBut that crystal is very important to me. I can't give it up without a fight! \n(Lazzern shuts his eyes and seems to think hard.)
Sys426469_szquest_descGo to the alpha salo weasel's den and search for the crystal.
Sys426469_szquest_uncomplete_detailHolding the crystal in my hands would be a dream...