result count: 5

Sys426474_nameStone Tablets from the Sea
Sys426474_szquest_accept_detail(The signs and symbols on the stone tablet seem to record a story that took place in the sea.)\n\n(This tablet could be of interest to Aillic's Researchers. You should take it to them.)
Sys426474_szquest_complete_detailOh, what have we here? What manner of signs are these? What kind of writing is it? \n\nYou say you found it in the sea? Could the symbols be the writing of a sunken civilization? Hmm...let's see...based on the symbols, there's a noticeable similarity to the Tiktaalik culture. Yes, it really seems to fit...even though some of the symbols look different...
Sys426474_szquest_descBring the stone tablet to [122910|Luke Goudian].
Sys426474_szquest_uncomplete_detailOh, have you found something interesting? You can hardly imagine how eagerly I await each new discovery!