result count: 5

Sys426476_nameLegends of the Sea
Sys426476_szquest_accept_detailMaybe the old seaman is right and the monster the legends speak of really does lurk in the Grotto of Horror. If you have an opportunity to enter the grotto, you'd have a chance to find out. \n\nIf it really is the case, then it would be my duty to inform headquarters immediately. The Tiktaalik Empire and their relationship with the monsters of the sea will be of great interest.
Sys426476_szquest_complete_detailIt's the really did happen! \n([122910|Luke Goudian] still seems unable to believe it.)\n\nI'll inform headquarters immediately. You've done us a great service!
Sys426476_szquest_descEnter the Grotto of Horror and help [122910|Luke Goudian] verify the truth of the legend.
Sys426476_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you don't know how to get in, then things are looking bad for you already. Few individuals are capable of surviving Kidd's Ordeal.