result count: 5

Sys426489_szquest_accept_detailIt seems to involve a riddle. [122980|Kidd] was no ordinary pirate. He even held a public office. He was surely well-read and thus arrived at the idea of hiding his treasure in such a manner. \n\nIf we unravel the riddle of [SC_KIDSTREATURE|Kidd's Treasure], we might also discover the reason for [122975|Sismond's] involvement. \n\nI need more time to resolve all the open questions. Please bring the clues we've gathered so far to [122967|Lorsa]. Ailic's Researchers will decode the inscription.
Sys426489_szquest_complete_detailIt seems like these revelations will cause difficulties. \n\nNaive as the pirates are, they'll probably conclude that the new moon on our flag has something to do with the clues. Soon enough we'll have more to worry about than mere pygmies. We should prepare countermeasures in advance.
Sys426489_szquest_descBring the [242998|Riddle] that Will wrote down back to [ZONE_NANTI_VILLAGE|Nanti Village] and give it to [122967|Lorsa].
Sys426489_szquest_uncomplete_detailHave you seen the riddle? It contains a very interesting clue.