result count: 12

SC_426491_1Until today, I haven't found anyone who's refused my wishes.\n\nAll those who dared decline my wishes have died in my flames.
SC_426491_2What do you want from us?
SC_426491_3I've heard that the Shotak Pirates arranged a private meeting between you and Kidd's sons.\n\nI've already met with the people you seek. Some of them are not as strong as we suspected. I'm still looking for a way to solve Kidd's riddle. That's why I'm here.
SC_426491_4We have not received any other clues.
SC_426491_5Oh, is that so? Those who have died in my flames said the same thing. But this time, I'm feeling more indulgent. There are many people who believe that it's not chance that brought you to the island, so the first part of the riddle applies to you.\n\nBut...\n\nIf anyone fails to tell the truth, I will not hold back.
SC_426491_6Our captain isn't here at the moment.
SC_426491_7As I said: this time, I'm being very indulgent. I will wait here until you bring him back.
Sys426491_nameThe Red Corsair
Sys426491_szquest_accept_detailThat's terrible! Armed to the teeth! And to think, we come in peace! \n\nSurely you know the riddle as well. [SC_KIDSTREATURE|Kidd's Hidden Treasure] is so highly prized that you can't hope that the pirate's enthusiasm will fade. I know that you, as new arrivals on the island, urgently need help. That's why I'm here. \n\nFurthermore, I'd like to discuss with your captain how, and under what conditions, we might cooperate to solve the riddle of the treasure.
Sys426491_szquest_complete_detailI've heard tales of the red-clad pirate woman, [122968|Paga]. She's as famous as she is feared for her unscrupulous methods. It wouldn't be wise to decline her "generous offer"...\n\nBut we're not primarily concerned with [SC_KIDSTREATURE|Kidd's Hidden Treasure]. It would be ideal if there were someone prepared to guarantee our safety. The problem is just that we're not making any progress solving the riddle that leads to the treasure...
Sys426491_szquest_descTalk to [122968|Paga] about the advantages of cooperating.
Sys426491_szquest_uncomplete_detailJust so we're clear: "no" is not an option for you.