result count: 4

Sys426492_nameParallel Maneuver
Sys426492_szquest_accept_detailIt looks like [122966|Kidd's Sons] have been leading us up the garden path.\n\nIt would be naive to believe that we're the key to [122980|Kidd's] secret just because of the new moon on our flag. We should be careful. The hopes placed upon us may have serious consequences.\n\nYou must inform [122969|Will Kanches] about the situation. He went to the [ZONE_BODO_WIND|Hulu Village] to do some research there. But be careful, those pygmies aren't eager to talk to pirates like us.
Sys426492_szquest_complete_detailYou appeared sooner than I thought. Don't even think about pressuring us. That won't work on us!
Sys426492_szquest_descInform [122969|Will Kanches] about the current situation.