result count: 9

SC_426499_1The monster already exists.
SC_426499_2The distance is too great.
SC_426499_3You break a bottle of [243007|Snake Blood Essence] and the liquid shines in the light.
SC_426499_4You don't have any [243007|Snake Blood Essence].
Sys426499_nameThe Southwestern Seal
Sys426499_szquest_accept_detailWe discovered seals near the [ZONE_WINDS_TUTELAGE|Wind's Tutelage]. According to the Hulu pictures, every seal protects a piece of the "new moon beast". Please bring this part back. \n\nThe first seal was discovered to the southwest of the Wind's Tutelage. Recover the [243008|Beast Hide] that's been sealed away there.
Sys426499_szquest_complete_detailI hope you didn't run into any pirates along the way.\n\nI'm growing very curious to find out what secret [122980|Kidd] went to so much effort to hide.
Sys426499_szquest_descGo to the southwest of the [ZONE_WINDS_TUTELAGE|Wind's Tutelage], break the seal and bring back a [243008|Beast Hide].
Sys426499_szquest_uncomplete_detailHave you found it? Did you bring it with you?