result count: 5

Sys426500_nameEl sello del norteThe Northern Seal
Sys426500_szquest_accept_detailEspero que la sangre de las botellas nos sea útil.\n\nCerca de la [ZONE_WINDS_TUTELAGE|Custodia del viento] hemos encontrado sellos de piedra. De acuerdo con los dibujos de los Hulu, cada sello protege una parte de la bestia "Luna Nueva". Por favor, traed de vuelta esa parte.\n\nEl segundo sello ha aparecido al norte de la Custodia del viento. Extraed los [243009|Hueso de bestia] que están allí sellados.Hopefully the bottled blood will be of use to us.\n\nWe discovered seals near [ZONE_WINDS_TUTELAGE|Wind's Tutelage]. According to the Hulu pictures, every seal protects a piece of the "New Moon" Beast. Please bring this part back.\n\nThe second seal was discovered to the north of Wind's Tutelage. Recover the [243009|Beast Bone] that have been sealed away there.
Sys426500_szquest_complete_detail¿Por qué se encerró a la bestia de tan extraña manera? ¿Y si [122980|Kidd] no es el genio que todo el mundo imagina?Why was this beast sealed away in such an unusual manner? Maybe [122980|Kidd] isn't the genius that everyone thinks he is?
Sys426500_szquest_descId al norte de la [ZONE_WINDS_TUTELAGE|Custodia del viento], romped el sello y volved con [243009|Hueso de bestia].Go to the north of [ZONE_WINDS_TUTELAGE|Wind's Tutelage], break the seal and obtain the [243009|Beast Bone].
Sys426500_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿Lo habéis encontrado? ¿Lo traéis con vos?Did you find them? Did you bring everything back?