result count: 5

Sys426513_nameNature's Bounty
Sys426513_szquest_accept_detailThere are many [242971|Young Wild Vegetables] in the [ZONE_FLOYN_JUNGLE|Feyna Forest] next to the village. It doesn't look like much, but if you try it, you'll see how fresh and crisp it is. And the flavor - superb! Everyone who has tried it has loved it.\n\nUnfortunately, the area where the vegetable is found is very dangerous. I wouldn't be much use there with my kitchen knife. Maybe you could bring me some vegetables? I'd be very grateful.
Sys426513_szquest_complete_detailHah! The leaves are green and there are still drops of dew clinging to them. So fresh - this will be a feast!
Sys426513_szquest_descHelp [122865|Jamie Pageni] stock the pantry and collect 10 bundles of [242971|Young Wild Vegetables] in the [ZONE_FLOYN_JUNGLE|Feyna Forest].
Sys426513_szquest_uncomplete_detailAs a salad? Or cooked? Or maybe lightly fried? What should we cook today?