result count: 5

Sys426514_nameStrange Lifeforms
Sys426514_szquest_accept_detailBefore we arrived at the village, we came across a group of strange treelike beings in the [ZONE_FLOYN_JUNGLE|Feyna Forest]. First they waved their branch-like arms and then they let out an eerie howl and finally they attacked our group. \n\nIt was a real nightmare. Fleeing wildly, we arrived in the village and heard that we weren't the only ones who'd been attacked by the creatures. They even have a name. Because of their rustling movements and eerie songs, they're called [107922|Wild Willows]. \n\nEven if these creatures pose a threat to us, I still have to wonder if a wandering, singing tree might not possess higher mental faculties. A truly fascinating question. If you're not afraid of the music of these howling trees, perhaps you could bring me back a representative of their species. A thorough analysis might yield valuable discoveries.
Sys426514_szquest_complete_detailBy the gods! You saw the creatures move with your own eyes? Incredible! Just unbelievable!
Sys426514_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_FLOYN_JUNGLE|Feyna Forest] and look for [<S>107922|Wailing Willows]. Bring 10 [<S>242969|Muck Roots] to [122866|Earl Hull].
Sys426514_szquest_uncomplete_detailBe careful. The [<S>107922|Wailing Willows] make very shrill noises. Believe me - it can be very disturbing.