result count: 5

Sys426515_namePoison Research
Sys426515_szquest_accept_detailThe [<S>107924|Feyna Butterflies] are the most beautiful but also the deadliest of the animals discovered in the [ZONE_FLOYN_JUNGLE|Feyna Forest] thus far. Their colorful and seemingly fragile wings bear a [242970|Paralyzing Powder] so effective that it can even paralyze Giant Bears.\n\nIt's difficult to determine just what makes up the [242970|Paralyzing Powder]. But it's clear that we can use the paralytic effects to prepare a nice surprise for the Franko Pirates. Please collect more [<S>107924|Feyna Butterflies] in the [ZONE_FLOYN_JUNGLE|Feyna Forest] so that we can investigate the effects further.
Sys426515_szquest_complete_detailBe careful! And remember, don't waste any of the [242970|Paralyzing Powder]. It's very important for our research.
Sys426515_szquest_descHunt for [<S>107924|Feyna Butterflies] in the [ZONE_FLOYN_JUNGLE|Feyna Forest]. Bring 10 samples of [242970|Paralyzing Powder] back to Earl Hull.
Sys426515_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou have to be especially careful when obtaining the [242970|Paralyzing Powder]. For example: if the poison comes in contact with your face, you'll never blink again.