result count: 5

Sys426518_nameSafe Passage
Sys426518_szquest_accept_detailEvery time we meet the natives, they charge at us, screaming and baring their teeth. I think they see us as intruders.\n\nI've already agreed with the leader of the [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Shotak Pirates] that we want to avoid war. We want trade, not battle. With that in mind, it would be unwise to make new enemies. At the same time, the wagon with the supplies can't remain where it is...\n\nThe members of Ailic's Community have managed to build good relations with the Hulu. They represent our only chance of getting permission for us and for the Shotak Pirate goods to pass safely. I want to ask you to go to the [ZONE_NANTI_VILLAGE|Nanti Village] and <CY>support Ailic's Community in their diplomatic efforts</CY>. As soon as the groundwork has been laid, Captain [122822|Roger Kais] and Lieutenant [122832|Ben Shawn] will inform you about the required measures.\n\nI'll do my part here, keeping an eye on the Shotak Pirates and protecting the supplies.
Sys426518_szquest_complete_detail[$playername], you were successful! \n\nI'll tell the [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Shotak Pirates]. Once the goods have been transferred, we can take receipt of them in the [ZONE_NANTI_VILLAGE|Nanti Village]!\n\nThe arrival of the long-awaited delivery will be a great relief for all involved!
Sys426518_szquest_descHelp <CY>Ailic's Community establish diplomatic relations</CY> and then report to Captain [122822|Roger Kais]. The captain will tell you how you can get <CY>safe passage</CY> from the Hulu chief.
Sys426518_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe'll stay here and wait for you. Please inform me as soon as you receive <CY>a guarantee of safe passage from the chief</CY>!