result count: 8

SC_426519_1Don't you have anything to grill?
SC_426519_2The meat is still cooking.
SC_426519_3Put the meat on the grill and get started.
Sys426519_nameHere's To Friendship: Grilled Delicacies
Sys426519_szquest_accept_detailIt's awful! Every single one of Ailic's scouts are afraid of the Hulu. There's no "establishment of friendly relations" to speak of! Attacking us seems to be their way of passing the time.\n\nFor example, one of our people was just severely wounded while working and fled in panic. Since then, I've had trouble finding enough helpers. What? You're here to help us? But - that's great! \n\nIt would be best if we split up and prepared a delicious feast for the Hulu. That won't be difficult. You just have to hunt down a few [<S>108108|Bloodthirsty Giant Wolf Cubs] and then put their meat <CY>on the grills in the Hulu camps</CY>. Each of us will take 10 camps!
Sys426519_szquest_complete_detailThe feeding is done for the day. I just wonder how long we'll have to endure our own growling stomachs.
Sys426519_szquest_descImprove relations with the Hulu tribe. Hunt [<S>108108|Bloodthirsty Giant Wolf Cubs] and lay the [<S>242924|Wolf Haunches] on the [122825|Grill Rack] in the Hulu camps.
Sys426519_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou need to be especially careful near the Hulu camp. The hospitality of the natives can be...overwhelming.