result count: 5

Sys426577_nameSacrifice for Science
Sys426577_szquest_accept_detailWhat do we pirates do? Well, we raid, plunder, pillage and rob. But I think "borrow" sounds better somehow.\n\nShhh... Later I need you to go to the storage area of the port and "borrow" a few materials that I can use for my research.\n\nThings like [242627|Handy Tool], [242766|Measuring Device] and [242767|Rune Set], for example. Those things will help us overcome the difficulties we have due to a lack of materials.
Sys426577_szquest_complete_detail([122763|Hoan Glemm] examines the materials that you've brought back.)\n\nHmm, this looks pretty "borrowed" to me!\n\nBut we can't just send a convoy out without proper preparations. The last time, our transport convoy fell into the hands of [<S>107919|Sharptooth Blood Sailors].
Sys426577_szquest_descSearch for enough materials in the storage area of the port to be used as research materials, "borrow" them and bring them to [122763|Hoan Glemm].
Sys426577_szquest_uncomplete_detailAhh - is it any surprise that your movements were detected?