result count: 5

Sys426579_nameWanted: "Stone Scorpion" Gideon
Sys426579_szquest_accept_detailWanted: [108172|Stone Scorpion Gideon]\n\nCrimes: [108172|Stone Scorpion Gideon] endangers the lives of the citizenry and hinders the development of the port.\n\nLast Known Location: The cliffs to the southwest of the Port of Muckgale\n\nCharacteristics: His entire body is covered with huge scales and he is very strong. He usually stays in his hiding place. Sometimes he enters the waters of the port and attacks citizens or destroys port buildings. you're with <CY>[SC_PIRATE_ERIC|Ailic's Pirates]</CY>. Not bad, not bad at all. I, [122760|Chuck Willis], won't forget you.\n\nHere is your prize!
Sys426579_szquest_descGo to the cliffs to the southwest of the Port of Muckgale and take down the [108172|Stone Scorpion Gideon]! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to garner even more renown!
Sys426579_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou little brats! Did you turn my announcement into a toy?